I am Brazilian and for more than 10 years I have been dedicated to working with design. I worked with design for digital products in Brazil, Cyprus and Canada. My experience with digital creation led me to also work with education at universities and at the Apple Developer Academy.
Design and Art are everywhere in my life.
Much of my life is about drawing in general and design, which I like to combine and call "drawings that work", since I want this to work by impacting lives in some way. This can be about making tasks strategically easier, creating more empathetic products, or even providing a few seconds of smile with a fun illustration. So, giving life to ideas through design/art, to impact someone, is what motivates me to run more and more to be able to do this as many times as possible, in different ways and each time in a better way.
Another word that is also always in my life is "challenge". This took me through many different paths, but with a unique and special growth.
This is a little about me, you can access a shorter version of my resume and you can send me a message so that we can talk more.